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Regular price $333.00 USD
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In a world where we are rewarded and pushed to be constantly "DOing" more all the time... we were never taught how to "BE". Join us for the "BEing" 3 day virtual course if you are ready to enjoy your days again and have more quality time for yourself and with your loved ones. 

The BEing course is for you if:

  • You are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, living under a veil of constant pressure to be perfect, to constantly be "doing" more. If you are stressed with no foreseeable way out or ability to change it.
  • You feel trapped by the decisions you have made and now feel the societal pressure to have more, be more, do more.
  • You are always running out of time in your day, no time for your own hobbies with a constant to-do list that never seems to get completed (bonus points if you add tasks that you have already completed in order to cross them off to feel accomplished!)
  • You feel like you are constantly running on a hamster wheel while others are thriving and you can't figure out how they have it all together and you can't even find 5 minutes for yourself.
  • "I should" is your mantra
  • At the end of the day you are exhausted & realize you filled it with what everyone else needed from you, but have no time left for yourself. Quality time no longer feels like quality or time.
  • You talk to other women, coworkers etc. you all commiserate and one-up each other on whose situation is worse. You have settled on "well this is just how it is"
  • You numb yourself out by "relaxing" while you are binging netflix, replying to emails and online shopping all at the same time and 5 hours later you realize you have 85 ski suits in your cart with no trip planned & you can’t even remember what the show was about.  

We understand you! We were you, we created this course based on our own personal journeys. Through each of our 22 year careers in technology, we built new divisions, led organizations, and held executive level positions. We moved up the ranks and recognized even though we were successful by traditional standards, something was still missing. So over the last 10 years, we have spent over $1M immersing ourselves in some of the top self development programs. We joined six figure masterminds, meditation programs, and took countless trips around the world finding, learning from and being mentored by the top experts in their fields. We know you and know how to help you find your way back, because we did it. We know what works! 

In this course you will learn:

  • How to Communicate better to improve the relationships in your life.
  • How to implement transformation & Change into your life to reconnect with who you are and the life you want.
  • Stop doing the things you don't want to do & get your day back!
  • Prioritize "you" in the balance of life.

This course will be held on ZOOM over 3 days. Each day the session will be approximately 60-90 minutes. The program includes the 3 modules of the BEING course, part of the B.E.L.I.E.V.E. BLUEPRINT foundational program. The first day of the program begins on Tuesday May 28 at 7:00PM Eastern and runs through May 30th.

In this course you will receive:

  • 3 live Zoom calls that help you stop feeling frustrated & angry, improve communication to improve the relationships in your life & to implement lasting change.  
  • Downloadable BEING course workbook
  • Access to the BELIEVE BLUEPRINT Community to engage with other participants, Katie & Lynn to ask questions, gain insights and further clarifications
  • Exclusive participant only offers for our live B.E.L.I.E.V.E. BLUEPRINT course & spa weekend retreats. 
  • Live event schedule:
    • Tuesday May 28, 2024 7:00PM Eastern time
    • Wednesday May 29, 2024 7:00PM Eastern time
    • Thursday May 30, 2024 7:00PM Eastern time

To REGISTER add the item to your cart and complete the checkout process. Your confirmation is available as a digital download at the end of checkout and via email. The confirmation will have your zoom link to access the course. 

This digital download of your confirmation will be instantly available once you complete your checkout process. On a desktop/notebook A box on the left side of the screen will show up saying "Preparing your downloads". Once the download has loaded it will show a blue "download now" button. 

On a mobile device the same process happens but it will show up below your "order confirmation" box once you checkout. 

You will also receive an email with the link to download the confirmation.

The information contained in this course is for general educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as mental or physical health advice. The information provided is not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. We expressly recommend that you seek advice from a professional familiar with your specific situation.

By enrolling in this program you agree to use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any advice or recommendations, and you agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use, of the information provided. 

The information provided reflects our personal experience, our research, and what has worked for us. While we are certified coaches, we are not licensed mental health or medical practitioners. We are not familiar with your specific history. You should always consult your own health care or mental health professional familiar with your medical history before taking a program or adopting any treatment for a health concern. 

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